CFE Review Course
Exam Preparation with a live instructor-led review course:
When you are able to set sometime aside and take away all the distractions, it's amazing what you can learn. The CFE Exam Review Course offers you four days of guidance from experienced instructors, giving you all the tools you need to prepare for and pass the exam.
Benefits of Attending the CFE Exam Review Course:
When you are able to set sometime aside and take away all the distractions, it's amazing what you can learn. The CFE Exam Review Course offers you four days of guidance from experienced instructors, giving you all the tools you need to prepare for and pass the exam.
Benefits of Attending the CFE Exam Review Course:
- Structured Learning: Learn how to prepare for the CFE Exam
- Fast Track: Participate in an intense, 4-day preparation period
- Instructor-Led: Receive guidance from experienced instructors
- Interactive Sessions: Participate in open discussions on a variety of topics in fraud prevention
- Team Environment: Meet others preparing for the CFE Exam and practicing CFE instructors to help you organize study sessions, review materials, and to provide you with tips and processes designed for the working professional's busy schedule
CFE EXAM REVIEW COURSE Price includes all the following:
- Membership: One year ACFE Associate Membership
- Application: CFE Exam Application Fee
- CFE Exam Prep Course: This comprehensive tool is a computer self-study course that includes study questions and practice exams
- Fraud Examiners Manual PDF: The Fraud Examiners Manual (pdf) is a 1,900 page guide exploring examination techniques and procedures
- CFE Exam Prep Flashcard App (iOS and Android devices): Familiarize yourself with the terminology and concepts covered on the exam with an app consisting of 900 flashcards that complement the CFE Exam Prep Course
- Attendance Certificate: CFE Exam Review Course (30 CPEs)
- Full Exam Review Course (4 Days)
- Exclusive Course material prepared by the ACFE
Investigation Techniques
Fraud Prevention and deterrence
Law related to fraud
Financial Transactions and Fraud Schemes
Register Now
Master the skills and knowledge you need to pass the CFE Exam by attending the CFE Exam Review Course. This instructor-led course will help you master the concepts tested on the CFE Exam: Financial Transactions & Fraud Schemes, Law, Investigation and Fraud Prevention & Deterrence. This course, in combination with the CFE Exam Prep Course software, will provide you with an unbeatable combination for passing the exam.
2024 Course Calendar:
In-Person Course Schedule:
Virtual Course Schedule:
Please fill the form below and we will contact you with all the details.